This post is completely for myself. I'm writing this to vent my thoughts and stresses at the moment.
I've been writing music for about 8 years, and I've given my whole life to the art. I studied it at uni and pursued it very seriously. My passion became an obsession, and my obsession has become unhealthy. I feel like it's giving me depression.
Because I feel like i HAVE to write music, i'm now so uninspired I've forgotton what inspiration feels like. And then when I sit down to write something and the song falls dead, i start blaming things in my life like my GF or my job. I feel like I need to shun all the other things I my life in order to make more time to write music, even though I dont enjoy it.
I know what you're going to say. Just take it easy! Take a break! Don't be so hard on yourself! And you're right. But I've been pushing myself so hard and for so long that I don't know how to NOT be productive. My breaks usually last a couple days before I give in and try to write something again and the cycle continues. Maybe I just need to be more disciplined.
I always manage to justify my behaviour by hearing how artists I look up to managed to be successful. They work in complete solitary confinement, or they have a single goal and work tirelessly towards it, or they wont go to bed unless a certain amount of work is done ect. I feel like that's what I need to do too! Success success success!!!! But in fact it's the quickest way to just feeling awful.
I'd like to hear if other people have gone through similar things. I think I will just try to ease off as much as I can and let my enjoyment come back whilst letting as much love into my life as possible. I need to understand that success means nothing if I'm miserable. Stephen King may be a highly prolific master, but he also has spent a lot of his time depressed, drunk and high.
Thanks for reading.
Submitted March 29, 2017 at 06:40AM by CoalitionChaos
Javier Rodriguez
Wednesday, March 29, 2017