Over the last couple years I have completely cut myself out of any education other than music. Previously I had been working towards being an engineer or physicist, or something of the like, but decided I would follow my passion for music instead.
Now I can't seem to shake the feeling that my music is just never gunna get to a point where I can make a decent living out of it. I know there are lots of paths I can take outside of specifically production but this is really what I want to do and yet I still often feel like I will just never make it.
Even though I kind of know my music is decent and people constantly tell me it's great, I can never seem to get the finished product I'm looking for and can never feel pride in what I create.
Submitted March 31, 2017 at 06:47PM by drderekk https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/62oe7r/any_tips_on_self_encouragement/?utm_source=ifttt