I've been producing for years now, having gotten the majority of my information about producing from this subreddit. Now my friends have all pushed me into finally putting my music out, which is great it needed to happen for a while. The problem is it doesn't really feel like it fully fits in the electronic music genre. I have huge influences from future bass music, but I feel almost guilty putting it under that genre, especially my first single, because I feel it might be misleading the listener (if that makes sense). The idea of putting it in the feedback thread in a subreddit called 'edmproduction' makes me a little nervous even haha. To me and my friends, my music doesn't seem to fit in another genre like pop or alternative that well, and so I feel completely lost on how to classify my music and where I should be trying to promote it. Is there anywhere online that would be ideal to help me figure this stuff out? Even if I have to shell out a little bit for more professional opinions or something, I would be willing to look into the option. It seems like r/wearethemusicmakers is a little washed out with brand new musicians who are experts (though I will ask there as well), but I get a bit more of a feel of professionalism from some of the users in this sub. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks edmprod <3
Submitted March 31, 2017 at 06:02PM by barnettmusic1 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/62o3zz/lost_on_genre_and_where_i_should_be_trying_to/?utm_source=ifttt