Okay, long story short:
I went to audio school and met 15-20 people in the music business that were very good at what they did. For instance, one guy makes 7 figures as a film score composer. I respect these guys for obvious reasons and I shared my music with them recently (It's been a 5-year process of learning everything EDM, DAW's, and crafting quality sounding stuff). Half of them said to submit it to the Armin and the like because my tracks are: original, extremely creative, greatly produced (quality-wise). One mentor said, "For the love of god, submit this to any major artist, you have a sound that the world hasn't heard yet."
Obviously, I'm pretty stoked... Also, equally shocked. I had no idea I was making "amazing" work. I was simply producing music :D
My question: What's the best way to market my music at this stage, now that it's "fucking amazing"?
Submitted March 30, 2017 at 06:20AM by Random0118 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/62cvyx/steps_towards_having_your_music_signed_or/?utm_source=ifttt