If a label really likes an instrumental demo and wants to release it, would they typically be willing to pay for studio time to record a vocal? I have a track that I feel could be released through a few labels in particular, without a vocal. However, I've been in contact with several amazing vocalists and feel like a vocal track could bring the song to the next level and even 'mainstream'. Is it common practice for labels to pay for studio time? I can record the vocal myself but would much rather go through a high-end studio for the vocal chain/quality. The labels I'm focused on are big for the genre (just under 40k on soundcloud) but aren't exactly spinnin records or a major label.
Obviously, a lot of variables go into this, I'm just looking for a general answer from anyone who has experience with working through labels
Submitted April 01, 2017 at 02:32AM by lilkushbush https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/62qw5d/would_a_label_pay_for_studio_time/?utm_source=ifttt