Hey Guys, I'm generally not one to post a thread on how to make a certain sound, but this on has me stumped, and i just want to throw it out there to see if anybody has any tips or has made something like this before. Here are two tracks that are a good reference, it's the big synth horn sound, like those old western movies with the dramatic solo horn leads. The videos start where the sound i'm talking about starts.
https://youtu.be/00MY8438KvI?t=2m32s https://youtu.be/MwICTKhuZq8?t=44s
I generally use serum, and have no problem making the sound BIG, but it's the meat and tone of that i can't quite get right. Any suggestions are greatly appriciated!
Submitted March 29, 2017 at 02:39PM by invisibledesign https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6285g8/help_me_make_this_horn_sound/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Wednesday, March 29, 2017