As I finally wrote my first own song, mixed and mastered it to the best of my knowledge and abilities according to my ear, I still feel amateurish because I have this feeling of having baby producer ears. Therefore, I get this feeling that I am not checking if frequencies are intercepting with others or if I am sidechaining right because I can hear my kick drowning in my drop with too many elements (even though I've checked the kick and the notes in the drop aren't playing at the same time and their waveforms' transients aren't intercepting each other) and it is my first time organizing all the elements, panning each to their own spot, glue compressing group busses, and then finally have my master chain with a utility tool(I use Ableton) to make it mono since it is more compatible with clubs, laptop speakers (which most people use to listen to music nowadays) and to pan using mono, an EQ to cut the low end to 50hz and unnecessary highs that are inaudible, a glue compressor with light compression, waves L1 limiter to raise the volume set at -0.3db.
Additionally, when I test my mix on my laptop speakers vs bookshelf speakers (I don't have monitors and these are as professional speakers I have at home) I would adjust levels differently. I know that's normal but should I adjust different versions and then export these based on each sound system I mix it on?? At some point I would like to upload it on SoundCloud and I do know they would bring up or lower down the master volume based on their computerized transfer system and normalize it to their specific volume.
I know it's a lot and I basically need someone to advise on my actions.
Submitted November 02, 2016 at 01:54PM by farrahng
Javier Rodriguez
Wednesday, November 2, 2016