I started using Volumeshaper 4 instead of using a compressor for sidechaining.
I'm using Ableton. And I want to trigger the sidechain by using midi notes. Now I did this by creating a group, put a volumeshaper on the group(bus), then there is a midi track (inside the group) which I send back to the group(bus), and below that there are all the tracks that need sidechaining. Easy.
But imagine I don't want the full 100% wet on some instruments. In that case I have to create multiple groups with new tracks in it. Not the easiest way to do it..
I there a way I can put the volumeshaper on the single tracks I want sidechained, determine the % wet I want it and then link it to just one single midi track in the project. (Like you would do it when using a compressor)
Would love to know if this is possible!
Submitted November 29, 2016 at 03:18PM by Dnaatog https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5fk8o1/sidechain_with_volumeshaper_4_without_creating/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Tuesday, November 29, 2016