I’ve been trying to get a type of cymbal sound I’ve been hearing in some tracks by deadmau5. The example above is a short piece that I took from the left channel of his track Moar Ghosts n Stuff. As the kick decays, the cymbal fades in. I’m pretty sure this same sample was also used in Ghosts n Stuff and Hi Friend.
I’ve been going through tons of samples and tried all different cymbal articulations in several plugins like addictive drums, and what I think comes closest in terms of the spacing of the main harmonics is a hihat that was hit on the bell, but what I generally feel is missing is the noisiness that I think comes from lower volume content in between the main harmonic peaks. I’ve tried all kinds of ways of layering hihats and white noise, but I haven’t gotten anywhere close.
I’m not necessarily looking for raw samples of this exact sound, but I’d really like to know what instrument you think was used and how it was struck, and whether you know any sample packs with cymbals that have this nice combination of tonality and noisiness.
Submitted November 29, 2016 at 05:34PM by lefth
Javier Rodriguez
Tuesday, November 29, 2016