Just wanted to pose the question to everyone and see what the consensus is. Since I 'got serious' about producing about two months ago, my friends keep asking me when they'll hear new music and basically expect me to put out a banger every week or something. Meanwhile, I'm over here trying to figure out how to work a compressor. So I rush some stuff that's not quite finished just to show people that I'm doing something, but when I show it to people on SoundCloud, it sounds like garbage, mix is terrible, can't hear anything, etc.
My view is that if I'm suddenly treating myself like a professional artist, it's okay to keep my work under lock and key until I have some material I'm proud of and stand behind 100%. Versus putting up slapped together, unfinished work every week. And yes, I've heard the analogy with the pottery class.
What is your philosophy on which way is better?
Submitted November 29, 2016 at 10:07PM by -endjamin- https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5fmm0j/quality_vs_quantity/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Tuesday, November 29, 2016