I've been producing for about 2 years now and even though I've become familiar with hitting walls, this one has been particularly frustrating.
I can sit down at a piano and play music, straight out of my head. Unfortunately, I'm not good enough to really play a whole song in one go, and it's usually too fleeting to play again and again and build on it as I record.
I'm most comfortable composing my songs, writing out every note in the DAW, but I feel like this has been limiting me lately because when I compose every note I find it harder to change my chord progressions, harder to throw in interesting changes and accidentals, I just don't hear the music as well when I compose it out.
This has resulted in me getting just really bored while I produce. My music is in turn, just as boring. My problem used to be my sounds were nowhere near as good as my notes, but now that problem has reversed. I love making remixes because I can take good music and make it sound awesome. I'm just having trouble making my own music sound interesting.
How do I get my composition up to speed?
The answer isn't more music theory. I'm decent at theory, and definitely know enough needed to write a song. I improvise no problem at a keyboard because of what I do know. My problem is, when sitting in front of the computer, how do I break out of that creative shell and imagine something interesting in my music? There's just nothing exciting about playing the laptop to me right now.
Submitted December 01, 2017 at 01:00AM by deadlybacon7 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/7gsemt/how_do_i_produce_as_fluidly_as_i_play_an/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Thursday, November 30, 2017