I have been trying out Abletons demo and the sampler and simpler are great. I can drop in a vocal chop and pitch it up and down while maintaining tempo using the complex pro/formant tool and without it sounding like a chipmunk or insanely low and slow. You know like Marshmello or Garrix etc. I use Logic Pro x tho, and the exs24 just sucks, there is no warp option or formant or anything. When you move the pitch up or down on piano roll like I said, chipmunk or super slow and slow. I always hear about flex time in logic but that seems to deal with only audio and then how would I map that onto a sampler instrument so I could play different notes while retaining quality/pitch. I tried using the vocal transformer and it works ok, but having to use a plug in on it is not practical because if I have to change a note the sample is still in the exs24 which fucks up the speed and quality of sample when pitching drastically. What should I do? Should I say screw it to logic and move to Ableton (really used to logic by now but if I have to I will.) its a very important function for me since I produce trap/edm type stuff. Any help or input would be greatly appreciated. Side note, I'm testing melodyne as well but same thing, it all comes down to the damn sampler in the first place which messes up the sound. Ahhh hard to explain but hope someone knows what to do
Submitted October 10, 2016 at 06:36AM by double00h https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/56r7jj/marshmello_garrix_vocal_pitching_in_ableton_vs/?utm_source=ifttt