Turn down for what?
Okay, so assume you have made a patch in the synth of your liking and you're quite happy with it, however there are one or two frequencies in the sound that are just way too loud, they feel unpleasant.
You could equalize them, but that would mean you'd either have to change equalizer setting for each individual note played (which sounds like a catastrophic amount of work) or just use the equalizer on a fixed melody, which is fine if you have a pad or something like that.
You could also adjust the source of the frequency you want to reduce but that can be pretty tough to impossible if you have no control over that aspect without completely changing the sound. (eg. resynthesis, high peak levels on filters etc....)
Lastly, you could have a notch filter (or a negative peak) on Keyboard-tracking mode. This also sounds pretty messy.
I don't know. I keep comming up with patches that have two or more frequencies that just sound too harsh and I'm really struggling with this. Any advice?
Submitted October 31, 2016 at 07:59AM by Ommmmmmmmmmmmmm https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5ablit/turn_down_single_frequencies_in_a_softsynth/?utm_source=ifttt