Hi, hope your day and week is going well.
First off happy motherfuckin' hump day!
Second, I wanna say if you are every doubting yourself with whatever you are working on in life just remember it's possible. I got news today from a childhood friend who has just finished touring with Die Antwood that her next step is working with Skrillex in a music video. Now I know it doesn't pertain to music production. I wanna say these things, she didn't come from wealth, a family in the industry, nor did she no anybody. She lives right down the street from me actually. We live in northern New York not far from the city and not far from pocket-hoods. She worked, and she worked hard. I hope this gives you a bit of motivation to keep going even if you don't want to make a life out of music (which I know many do not). I personally do, and right now somebody is living my dream. Enjoy the week ya'll!
Submitted October 05, 2016 at 03:12PM by Phorella https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/560way/just_a_little_motivation_for_those_who_want_to/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Wednesday, October 5, 2016