So I've been producing for about a year now, and I think I'm about ready to pick a synth to become my go-to. I plan on picking one synth and learning that really well and then moving to others once I've grasped this one synth well. When it comes to picking this synth it comes to mind that everyone is using the same few synths. Mainly Serum, Massive, Sylenth, Ect. I really want to develop a unique sound and I think a good way to do this is to use a synth not many people use. I've been messing with abletons operator and I've seen some videos on it with people making some cool sound. BUT, can this synth stand up with the big dogs or will my sounds always sound mediocre. I could just learn serum like everyone else since it seems easier to make good sounding synth but I just want to be unique and stand out.
Submitted October 28, 2016 at 10:44AM by Just_This_Dude