This basic concept is giving me the most grey hairs at the moment. I usually work with 1 hardware synthesizer at a time. When I create an interesting pad or arp sequence and want to add an additional part I typically try to quickly get that audio loop on an Audio track into Ableton. Using ableton as my master clock, I hit record and loop the same 2 bars or so with the audio overwriting the first take. Halfway through the 3rd time the loop is repeated I hit stop and drag the audio from the second take over the beginning of the 3rd take so I'm left with just recorded audio from the second take. This way I have enough time for any effects to kick in so it's not clashing with the beginning of the loop. This seems like it should work flawlessly but rarely does upon playback. I can hear that it is seamlessly looping and my entire jam session is crippled as I try to salvage the audio or do a few more retakes. Assume that any modulation is timed and isn't causing the problem. What is going wrong here? Usually I feel that the only way I'm going to solve this basic problem is to get more hardware synths and record the entire jam in full without looping audio.
Submitted July 28, 2017 at 11:09AM by cfot