Let's say I have an idea of a melody in my mind and I want to give it sound. How do I know what key should I go for? Is there any grammar or rule behind it, or does the composer set out to try a bunch of notes to finally see which notes stick in to form the music?
What I want to mean is, does the musician decide the key first before starting to write the piece, or he first try out a bunch of notes and thus after a while, after trying out a bunch of notes, the key of the music automatically comes in?
I just studied basics of music theory on my own for like a month or so from internet (this subreddit has been of immense help!) and I don't know is this an advanced question beyond my scope of knowledge. If it is, please say so and I am ofcourse studying more from what I can find to figure out this key thing.
The best I know is that major keys are consonant and notes finally resolve the tension whereas minor keys don't. You realize how little I know!
Submitted July 30, 2017 at 03:30PM by Elon20 https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/6qiyxr/how_does_a_composer_decide_what_key_to_use_to/?utm_source=ifttt