I can't believe I made this consistently work....
You're gonna need something with a transient warp mode(Ableton, maybe bitwig, not sure if there is one). The FL one might work, but I think that's texture-based.
Take a sound of you making a non-sensical sound. Yawning. lalalas. Anything. Even a low "ah" sound.
Just no tongue. ;)
Then stretch that shit to 999 bpm, and then use the transient algo. Because of it, there will be lovely stutters that are needed.
I have no shame.
Go ahead. Down vote me.
It won't solve the problem that you can't unread this.
Submitted July 30, 2017 at 04:50PM by ofoot https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6qjfpl/shitpost_how_to_make_gluggingchoking_sounds/?utm_source=ifttt