I've been producing for quite awhile now and I've gotten very good at sound design and writing and arranging. I love building songs. I'd say that's my strong suit.
My problem is mixing. I'm not sure if my mixes are shit or if they're ok and I just have crappy ears. I'm never really satisfied.
I feel like I need a deeper understanding of eq and compression. Basically all I do with compression is side chain and shape transients.
And eq. The only technique I use regularly is low cutting to fit drums and bass together and maybe sweeping to find resonant frequencies to remove.
Idk. Does anyone have any general tips on either of these things. ??!
Submitted July 30, 2017 at 10:01PM by evolakim https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6ql6ed/mixing_tips/?utm_source=ifttt