I've run into a bit of an issue that I hope someone here has come across before.
Basically I'm trying to export my stems from Ableton into Pro Tools for the mixing stage of my track.
I've recently adopted this method used by Singularity (now Grey) where he routes everything he wants to sidechain to the Sends Only output and places a compressor there. It sounds great and saves loads of cpu. Just look for Pyramind Singularity Sidechain on YouTube if you want to know the technique.
However when using this method and trying to export tracks or groups, I'm having trouble getting the stems to match up with how they sound in Ableton. There's a really obvious volume change when summing the stems in Pro Tools.
Does anyone have a clue why this is? Does anyone here use this technique? If so, how do you export stems properly?
Submitted July 31, 2017 at 10:11AM by JohnnySasquatch https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6qob5o/bouncing_stems_through_sends_only_help/?utm_source=ifttt