You spend a week on that lit track, you think this one is THEE one. you love it. You post It up. Get some good feedback on forums/youtube/soundcloud ect. Then maybe 10 days of this, you all of sudden cant listen to it. Everything about this is embarrising. You can't help but cringe to death through a black hole as you try to comprehend the sudden realization that this is absolute ASS. You think this is the sound of your soul until one day you just don't like what you did. Akin to losing interest towards a girlfriend who was great, without all the guilt. Yet at the same time it's also like im getting mind fucked by some psychopathic hoe who's driving the car and im her forced passanger. The car being my music, the psychopathic hoe being the voice inside my head that tells me my music is good and then the next day hits me with the "no, this sounds like shit." im wondering if any of you guys have experience with this and if you have any advice.
Submitted October 10, 2016 at 12:50AM by JFellah