I use some form of distortion with almost every sound and I have always wondered why this happens. The effect is most noticeable when I use fruity fast-dist since it's the go-to plugin if I really want to crank things up.
Is it a bug in fl-studio's mixer or what. Since the level can rise up to 6-8db when I apply the hipass, but there's definitely no audible difference in the volume. What is the scientific answer to this?
I also mix with quite low levels, the kick usually being somewhere between -15 and -21db so if it's a bug then that could be the reason maybe?
Submitted October 28, 2016 at 09:44AM by SoijaJorma https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/59u78o/if_i_hipass_a_distorted_sound_its_level_raises/?utm_source=ifttt