#1 Use a template So, I have this template which I use. It has some samples loaded and routed to mixer tracks, buses with EQs/compressors loaded. I also have sidechaining setup, so that I could start a track with almost zero effort in mixing and it would sound a lot better. You can change the samples, mixing as the track progresses.
#2 Enable the Shortcut panel 3 View > Toolbars > Shortcut panel 3 The main advantage is that you can easily add automation clips for third party vst parameters from here. If you don't have use this toolbar, you'd have to go to Tools > Last tweaked > Create automation clip to do the same.
#3 Enable the hint bar View > Toolbars > Hint bar This is another feature I love. Think of this, You have named mixer tracks. And you're routing a channel into a mixer track, to know the number of the mixer track you may have to look at the mixer window. If you have hint bar enable, you just can look at it for the mixer track name while changing the mixer track for a channel from the step sequencer window.
Note: You can lock the toolbars now(View > toolbars > Lock), so that you don't mess up the arrangement of the toolbars while you work. The hint bar will also become inactive to mouse pointer. It will hide when you bring the pointer over it.
#4 Use the "Current" channel It's the mixer track with the label "C" on top. It's docked to the right as default. You'll find it on the left side or after track 99 depending on your settings. This channel receives the output of the current mixer track. You can load anything into the this track. But, I'd suggest that you don't add any effects that actually changes your sound. You can add an instance of Edison for quick recording of current track. Also, you can add an instance of Gtune vst(www.gvst.co.uk/gtune.htm) which can be useful when tuning drums.
#5 Disabled background trick for Wave candy Load two instances of Wave candy into the "Current" mixer track. Name them Vectorscope and Peak meter. Choose Vectorscope preset and Peak meter presets on them. And arrange them as in the screenshot: http://imgur.com/a/Heuac
Now open the setting window for wave candy and disable "Background" in both of them. This will make the visualizer windows inactive to mouse pointer. Now you have two cool visualizers on the right bottom of your screen. Because it is loaded on the "C" track it will show the visualization for the track you're working now. You don't have to go to the mixer window every time you want to check levels/stereo information.
Good luck!
Submitted October 06, 2016 at 09:54PM by Vinaux https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/568su5/5_workflow_tips_for_fl_users/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Thursday, October 6, 2016