Now before you get your pre-concevied notions in a bunch, just let me say that I'm not looking for advice on gear or plugins or on how to sound like X. I have some experience under my belt and a couple of 'finished' tracks, so I am not entirely a beginner.
I have a lot of plugins both free and paid, I would say my core of plugins i use is in around 10. I know how to use some of them to some extent, so I'm not looking for tutorials on how to make X sound or use X synth. I have amassed a good selection of samples that I like and that I use, I have picked my DAW and my gear ( so far any way). I also have some basic knowledge of music theory, to be fair its rudimentary, but I can figure out chords and scales and read sheet music with some work.
However Every time I sit down I get overwhelmed. I do not know where to start. The first thing that hits me is how do I choose my sounds, or presets or whatever I am going to use to make the song? I feel constantly overwhelmed by information I know I should be using, and it all culminates with me tweaking knobs on a synth trying to find a sound I like and I never get much further.
How can I focus and set a path for myself that allows me to feel productive and actually create something? Does anyone have any advice on how they overcame the feeling of being overwhelmed with info and options?
Submitted September 29, 2017 at 10:25AM by sec_goat
Javier Rodriguez
Friday, September 29, 2017