either online or ppl who live in the hudson valley ny. I'm Nate! I have many other names but I go by Midd Knight! I've been producing orchestral compostions and piano compostions since 2011 and have been playing drums in my church since i was little. No one prompted me to play music, I love that music kind of found me and took me away. I live, eat, breathe music. I've never been too ecstatic about some of creations but lately, i've been getting more and more confident. I really want to take my music, whether my weird brand of edm, my compositions, or beats, and go even further. I feel like if i could hone my skills i have now, I could really make music that makes your neck hair stand up on end. I want to make songs that people will remember in their hearts. Msg me or comment if you want to train this hopeless Knight! =) I'll give you links to some of the noises i put up on the interwebs. (0dd_1)
Submitted July 02, 2017 at 03:38PM by 0dd_10ne https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6kuthi/looking_for_a_mentor/?utm_source=ifttt