So I finally got Kontakt and decided to try out a few instruments. So far I've gotten Session Strings, Action Strings, Alicia's Keys and Giant Piano. Yesterday I bought the Session Horns library and I'm receiving some terrible delay and latency issues. The samples sometimes play too soon, sometimes too late. It's making the writing of any melodies absolutely impossible. No issue like this for any other library (except Alicia's keys, but managed to fix that via the integrated latency knob). I tried Googling and found nothing useful so far. All libraries are installed in an identical fashion. They are, however on a secondary HDD, but if that's an issue, why wouldn't any of the other instruments act up as such. I'm currently getting my samples by playing a melody in Kontakt and then editing it manually in Audacity. It's a real pain in the ass to be honest, so I'd appreciate if anyone could help me with this or at the very least, point me in the right direction.
Thank you for your help!
Submitted July 02, 2017 at 03:23PM by Yummy_Cummy https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6kuqkz/kontakt_5_session_horns_latency_issue/?utm_source=ifttt