I just retired so finally have the time to do something that I have wanted to do for decades: learn to read music and play the piano. I have a good friend lined up to teach me and I have a decent electronic piano. My friend and I had planned to go over to his favorite music store and browse beginner books/methods but the store is curbside pickup only. (We've got a pandemic going on over here, in case you didn't know.) My friend has been playing organ and piano professionally for over 50 years so his knowledge of best starting points is a little dated.
So I am asking here: What would you recommend for me? I very much want to learn about music along with learning to play the piano. I am open to anything: book, website, app, whatever.
Submitted February 05, 2021 at 10:02AM by azemona https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/ld6oqd/appbookmethod_recommendations_for_adult_beginning/?utm_source=ifttt