I keep seeing these high school kids doing like all these cover songs in bands. So many. Like 31. They’re AMAZING and cover it perfectly.
This makes me blown away because they still haven’t had that many years of practice and yet are these amazing musicians.
So is it just because each one probably ONLY like 95% of the time plays their one main instrument?
I’m 28, I LOVE both lead rhythm guitar, bass, drums, music is so awesome. But whenever I sit down to practice a song I have to start slow with a metronome and gradually work up to speed. A tiny drum part or fill might take me 1-2hrs to master it at full speed. Guitar takes a long time to practice to mastery as well.
So, how do these high school kids who have homework and social lives and stuff have the time to put in all this practice and get SO GOOD? Do we HAVE to specialize and just choose one single instrument, even if we equally love multiple?
I just really want to make amazing music, I hate having to choose “just one” instrument. =\
But is it realistically like jack of all trades, master of none? I just want to be amazing. When I hear my favorite band songs I want to cover every single little instrumentation part. Other than vocals. God, I just love THE ENTIRE song, and want to cover and create entire songs like them myself.
Submitted July 07, 2018 at 07:21PM by A1d4n_18 https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/8wwvby/has_anyone_played_in_a_really_good_band_do_we/?utm_source=ifttt