Hi, I want to buy a 25 keys MIDI controller, I need it for ambient music and atmospheric black metal.
I'm conflicted between the Akai Mpk mini mk2 and the Arturia Minilab Mk2.
The Akai keyboard comes with MPC essential, Hybrid 3, Sonivox Wobble and VIP 3.0
The Arturia Minilab comes with Analog Lab lite, Uvi grand piano model V and Ableton Live lite.
I currently record music with Cubase 5 and record midi parts with Omnisphere 2, Ezdrummer 2 and AddictiveKeys for piano, so I'm not interested in Ableton live or Mpc essential.
Basically my main concerns are: -Akai softwares vs Arturia softwares (without considering the daws) -Akai Joypad vs Arturia's touch bend/modulation wheel -portability/solidity (akai's keyboard seems more portable but also less solid than the arturia one) -arpeggiator Vs more knobs
I know my genres don't fit with this subreddit but I hope someone of you can give me impressions about these controllers. Thanks for help and sorry for Bad English in case.
Submitted February 25, 2018 at 05:24PM by abmmaker https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8075w6/help_me_choosing_first_midi_controller_akai_mpk/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Sunday, February 25, 2018