Hey! Anyone here tried replicating the superb mixing style of the producer duo Grey? In all of their song the elements are super clear and almost "in your face" close (especially in their drops).
Here are some great examples: https://youtu.be/0KPiOCTxeHg https://youtu.be/xwjwCFZpdns https://youtu.be/H0FQezKYteQ
And this song by Zedd (drop) https://youtu.be/6nkj65NwpKg
I read from their Reddit Q&A that they might be using a Oculus Spatializer plugin, which is made for game audio desing. Tried it but didn't really manage to achieve great results. Any other ideas guys?
Submitted August 28, 2017 at 07:22PM by fieldofdrms https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6wmx2m/close_mixes_like_grey_zedd/?utm_source=ifttt