Hi guys,
As a beginner and aspiring electronic music producer, I was wondering if anyone might know any good books or learning materials that talks about the process of making a song?
Starting from the base idea, to coming up with the instruments/samples to use, the chords/bass, the melody, layering and the techniques involved in structuring everything into the final product.
Or perhaps something that teaches you how to properly dissect and analyze a song?
As someone new to music making, melody seems to be something that comes very naturally for me, as I can listen to a song or a beat and just start improvising melodies off it (I used to whistle along to songs since as young as I could remember, maybe that played a part) , but as an inexperienced music maker, I have a hard time with pretty much everything else.
That means, 1, coming up with the chords, chords progression, 2, thinking up all the instruments and songs to incorporate into the songs. 3, layering of all these instruments on top of each other.
Was just wondering if anyone might know of a good book, youtube video, or even paid content that have helped you in this department.
Or if you have any tips you would like to share, that would be wonderful as well!
Submitted August 30, 2017 at 11:41AM by curiousdoggo https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6wzkmx/resources_for_learning_the_processanalysis_of/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Wednesday, August 30, 2017