Hey everyone,
I'm new to reddit and I would like to see if anybody could help me with my seemingly endless search here.
I'm a music producer and my laptop is dying, I am in the market for one but I'm sort of lost. I'm looking at the MacBook Pro 2016, their highest end model. I know what you're thinking, but I've never used a Mac before and they seem to really keep their value and from what I've heard, They are very stable and reliable and I don't have to worry about crashes THAT much. (I get atleast 2 crashes a day on a 5 hour session on my windows laptop)
That MacBook pro is very expensive though, are there any alternatives I should be looking at that will do the job very well? Please help!
Thank you
Submitted August 02, 2017 at 01:41AM by AymenTag https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6r1w2r/best_laptop_for_music_production/?utm_source=ifttt