I make trap music and for me, it generally depends on if I'm doing a remix or a beat. with remixes, it's usually a 4 to 8 bar intro, 16 bar build up, 8 bar drop, 16 bar breakdown/buildup, 8 bar drop, maybe one more time with some changes, 4 bar outro. similar structure with beats for me but I generally get right into the hook from the intro.
I'm honestly tired of doing the same arrangement format for all my tracks. I know I can copy the structure of songs I want to imitate but at the moment, I don't have any songs that I'm dying to emulate off the top of my head so I am wondering what common structures you all are using in the genres that you produce
Submitted July 28, 2017 at 12:49PM by GeneralButtNekid https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6q4nsg/what_is_your_most_commonly_used_arrangement_format/?utm_source=ifttt