Hello, I have just recently started producing as I finished school and will most likely start studying law in germany, though in the several months until then and probably for the time after I wanted to start making music, as Music was my best class in school and english was my second best. Unfortunatley they did not teach us what the common words used by producers mean like phasing hehe. For the last month I have been making progress learning FL studio 12 such as being able to use the compressor and EQ and such but for more detailed questions I usually visit this forum and read everything I can find. Our school had a very detailed music theory class so that was what made me start maybe I can get a good start at this. Turns out I was wrong as I struggle with the more technical things and the language used. So Questions are: Can I use this forum even for the most basic questions without getting sassy responses (I would not even be mad, infact I just want to get better but I can understand if someone feels disrespected)? Where can I learn how to use things like Harmor, so like the details to the settings. I have read about SeamlessR but after watching his first video on additive synthesis I have a hard time understanding that in english. And another question, why is it that In Piano Roll I cannot make chords with notes In Harmor. Is that a setting thing, for example when I stack Cmaj It only plays the G note. Does that have to do with the Harmor synthesizer being a Chord by itself?
If that is unfitting here I would be glad to be told to go somewhere else, different subreddit maybe.
Submitted July 29, 2017 at 08:09PM by Rexogen https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6qe3jg/new_to_producing_several_questions/?utm_source=ifttt