I'm pretty new to music production in general, and I was just wondering: Since EDM is digital, couldn't you theoretically just have a bunch of monophonic lines all harmonize with each other since there's no limit on how many instruments you can have?
I've seen people make tracks from scratch and they usually have an instrument that plays chords (or multiple instruments playing layers of chords) but why not just break everything down into monophonic lines like an ensemble, and have different instruments play different lines? I mean, you already have single lines for the bass and lead, why not have one for everything else too? Maybe I'm overthinking it, but i'm just curious as to why people don't do it it this way? Is it just a result of the whole "less is more" thing?
Submitted July 28, 2017 at 11:41AM by chocolate_jerkey https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6q47qi/is_it_common_to_spread_chords_out_over_multiple/?utm_source=ifttt