I use reference tracks to draw inspiration on creating a track, i saw a tutorial way back i think it was from echosoundworks he said he listens to certain elements of a song draw inspiration and build a track based off it like the arrangement or how to transition for a drop etc.
The problem with me is that i listen to a track its so hard to focus on the track the vocals keep distracting me how to do this effectively. I know it gets better with practice, but is there any tips that i should know of which makes this easier. For instance if listening to it in different volumes help my ear not get used to the track or something like that.
Submitted July 01, 2017 at 12:04PM by LeoCraig https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6kng60/how_to_train_your_ear_to_focus_specifically/?utm_source=ifttt