I've always known that sometimes you'd get avici literally use presets for an entire album, and frowned upon it... But like I've always been under the impression that the 'right' way to make music was to create the sounds yourself (in serum etc.).. But I've recently watched a livestream that a producer I look up to has done, and seen that he sits through and goes from preset to preset, then modifies them.
I've been doing music for like 6 years now and have never been happy with anything, never finished a track. I'm thinking about downloading a tonne of serum preset packs and trying this approach?
Is it just me that thinks this way? Or is it the norm to use presets? I'm so confused now. It's as if my entire production journey has been a lie, and if I should be using presets then j feel like I could get shit done haha!
Submitted June 01, 2017 at 04:01PM by diphi https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6eoxbj/how_common_is_it_for_professional_artists_to_use/?utm_source=ifttt