I'm in college and I spend basically all of my time outside of class at the library, where I'm studying. Occasionally, I'll take breaks and that's a good time to start making some music. I really only go home to sleep, so basically all of my music making is going to be with just me and my laptop.
I can't bring a MIDI keyboard with me to the library to start jamming out, so coming up with ideas have been difficult.
Does anyone else produce with only a mouse and a keyboard? Do you have any tips which keep your workflow fast and snappy?
I use Studio One.
Submitted June 29, 2017 at 03:10AM by AV-on-Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/6k6i8g/any_workflow_tips_for_producing_with_only_mouse/?utm_source=ifttt