Create a song using only the samples provided. You may not use synths or extra samples to create sounds. The sounds in the sample pack must be the only sound sources/generators.
Process the sounds however you want. Cut, slice, warp, timestretch, granulize, resynthesize. Use any effects or editing you like. If you want to use a vocoder, the carrier and modulator must both be samples from the sample pack. You may resample the sounds you create. Using the samples as the sound source for a granulizer or wavetable synth is allowed.
You may submit only one track. Any genre of music is accepted. If you win, you may have to submit your project file to the mods to verify that it follows the rules.
The winner will make next month's sample pack.
How To Submit
Upload your submission to SoundCloud and send the link in a private message to reddit user /u/mark-henry. You can make the track private, if you wish—just be sure to send the secret link.
Deadline and Voting
Shortly after July 15th,, a voting page (example) containing this month's submissions will be posted to the subreddit. The voting period will last for at least four days. Results will be posted once the voting period has ended.
The winner's SoundCloud (or another page they wish feature) will be linked at the top of the sidebar for the next month.
Download the Sample Pack
This month's pack was provided by last month's winner, /u/lajw (LΛYV on SoundCloud). Download it here:
Most importantly, have fun and be creative! If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below.
Submitted June 29, 2017 at 11:26AM by mark-henry