I've played the piano since i was five and i've messed around with garage band since i was 13 (im 17 now). About 2 years ago i started trying to take this seriously and bought ableton. I practice most nights for like and hour -an hour and a half. every weekend on either saturday or sunday, ill spend 4 or 5 hours on it (i started putting in big weekend sessions about 1 year ago). I dont expect to be world start but I would hope to have produced something i dont hate.
I listen to loads of electronic music i like and i know what style i want to produce. Every time i try, i start off super inspired and i cant produce anything even remotely good. Usually i'll make just a drop or intro and give up because i really dont like the track. I've tried forcing myself to finish tracks and they just turn out so bad. Sometimes i leave the computer and i just want to cry its so frustrating. There are tracks i listen too and feel so much emotion i just want to be able to produce that so badly
I know the whole "it just means you have high standards and good taste" thing but i dont think thats the case here. when i play the piano and improves, its not great and i can recognize that but it doesn't frustrate me, its not awful and i can see improvement
I'm surprised i haven't given up completely yet. I just ignore the fact that i cant produce and try again and again. telling myself i'll get better but i haven't. I've got better at making sounds and learning the ins and outs of the software. i've learnt new things but i always hit a wall in my production. Its not that i produce a good loop and dont know where to go its that i just produce crap and it gets worse as i work on it.
I dont know what kind of responses i'm looking for but any advice would be appreciated
Submitted January 01, 2017 at 12:57PM by ghroat https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5lfnjg/why_cant_i_improve_iv_taken_this_seriously_for_2/?utm_source=ifttt