Hello everyone! Im new here. This is a big step moving forward to me to post here. I have been reading for a while, searching for answers... I found some but it was never what I really needed.
So here is my problem: I do not remember any music theory that I learned as a child (I even doubt myself any of the stuff I learned would be useful anyway). I grew frustrated. I literally avoid sitting in from of my daw and start a new project because I know that the moment it comes to play a melody, a bass line,... I will loose all confidence. Im afraid it does not go well together. How do I know if what I play goes together? Do I have to start with the same notes, same chord or can it be different? Weeks, months pass and I do not advance. I have been digging the internet, watch tutorials, bought books,... Nothing can do it Im totally unconfident when it comes to play with my keyboard on my daw. I even tried to take music theory lessons.
Anyone have tips or can give me advices it would be much appreciated.
Submitted January 30, 2017 at 02:49PM by landalousee https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5r2afo/lost_all_confidence_when_it_comes_to_music_theory/?utm_source=ifttt