I'm having an issue right now where I can't play my tracks through Ableton because my CPU gets overloaded. I have an i3-3220, so it makes sense. I'm looking at upgrading to an i5 or an i7 from Intel's newest chipset. I'm wondering if I need to go with the i7, or if I can be fine with an i5. Does anyone have experience with these such things and what can you recommend?
As it stands, if I start running pads with lots of reverb/LFO automations from Serum - especially in chords, I get killed. Does Ableton do well with optimizing CPU usage if I were to upgrade?
Submitted January 30, 2017 at 03:49PM by _Pho_ https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5r2o8r/cpu_usage_issues/?utm_source=ifttt