Hi, this is my first post on Reddit tho. I would like to ask if there are good music channels (IF ANY!) that actually listens to submissions and NOT ASKING FOR MONEY??
Like fuck ive submitted to 20+ channels on SoundCloud and YouTube through email and submission forms that i can't remember what channels i submitted. It's not that my submission is bad, like 80% said it's good and they always asked for 'donation', like fuck you ungrateful bastards, we gave you contents and YOU FUCKING ASK FOR 'DONATION'??
The 20% said it's not up to their standards or they never replied.
The problem here is I'm underaged to have a PayPal account, that means ALL of my submissions NEVER GOT FEATURED. (except for one, Music Facility, i salute them for not asking money)
So please guys give me bunches of lists of good music channels that listens to every submissions and DOESN'T ASK FOR MONEY
PS: CloudKid, Majestic, Tasty. They NEVER gave any response. NEVER.
Submitted January 30, 2017 at 01:02PM by V_E_R_O_N https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5r1lq2/are_there_good_promotion_channels_that_doesnt_ask/?utm_source=ifttt