I am really interested in sound synthesis and is looking into learning FM synsthesis. I don't want to hog a lot of VSTs to end up refunding them, nor do I have the money to do so. So, maybe you guys can shine a light on this topic and shows me the pros and cons of these 2 FM synths. FM8 is made by Native Instruments, and their products have always been good, though SeemlessR seems to say that Sytrus is superior to FM8. I would like to hear your opinion on these 2 synths. At the same time, if you guys know any other quality FM synths that are not as often talked about, tell me in the comment! Thanks for your help.
Submitted January 02, 2017 at 08:37AM by HexaHx https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5lkutu/what_are_the_pros_and_cons_of_fm8_and_sytrus_and/?utm_source=ifttt