So here's what happened. I'm working on a remix. All is going well, but recently, when I started doing the in depth mixdown, I started cutting a lot of things to clear out the mix. Problem is now the track sounds... Underwhelming. The build up is more exciting than the drop and the verse to me just sounds like a straight snorefest. The synths don't exactly sound interesting and I want to know of any tips that you would recommend for creating more interesting sounding synths. I did have a rhythm electric guitar during the verse that gave it character, but took it out because it made the mix very muddy due to how much of the spectrum it uses.
PS: I won't post a sample of my track as it violates rules, but if you wanted to hear a tidbit, I can PM you.
Submitted January 02, 2017 at 01:21AM by pianoaddict772