Hello everyone, I have been browsing this sub for a month or two now. I have found a lot of useful information on here and noticed a lot of you guys are really talented. Anyway as the title says, I'm a beginner and when I say beginner I have had keyboards, guitars and daws for years.
But never fully learnt what I need to know musically. I started playing the guitar self taught for quite a number of years then found a love for other types of music and decided to start learning the piano.
As I am self taught I never picked up music theory. I have recently been trying to understand how music works. And I'm finding it quite tough, I might been getting ahead of myself. But basically I just need some help and advice directly. Instead of reading it elsewhere on the internet.
So the other day I started to read information about music theory and I was looking at the circle of fiths. And it clicked on how to read it, so I got excited picked a chord and made a progression in the key of C major. I didn't follow the "I – IV – V" "I – vi – IV – V" or "ii – V – I" as I'm not 100% sure so I picked 4 chords "C - F - Am -G" (don't think they were in that order but anyway I don't know if I'm correct with the chords as I didn't follow a progression. I just picked four chords to what I thought was right.
I then made a melody in the key of C major using notes that fit in that scale. At this point I was so happy I was getting somewhere. I then put a random beat to it and copied the root notes of the chords for a bassline. But now I'm stuck I don't know where to go from here. Like how do I switch it up for a chorus, bridge or intro etc.
here is what I came up with. Give me all the criticism I need. Honestly don't worry about it. I need to know all the information you guys know. Thank you for taking time to read this and respond.
Submitted May 07, 2018 at 05:18PM by Joseph_Holmes https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8hqmpj/help_a_beginner_figure_out_a_song_structure_and/?utm_source=ifttt