Hey guys,
I just picked up an Apollo Twin Duo the other day and so far it's been really awesome; preamps are great, converters are a definite step up from my old interface, and I got a whole bunch of freebies as part of their end of year promotion. I also managed to pick up the UAD 1176 collection for a mere $24, and they sound stellar (I've spent a lot of time around 1176's at studios as well as the Native Instruments' VC76 and it has become my go-to compressor).
The one limitation I've come across is that the UAD plugins are a lot more DSP-hungry than I had anticipated (I was aware of the UAD instance chart). My plan is to have the Neve 1073 Unison preamp and a UAD 1176 print onto the vocal recording on the way in, which in itself consumes about 35% of the Duo DSP chip (though after recorded I can turn it off). Add a few more compressors/EQs and a standard mastering chain in the Logic session, and it's pretty much at its capacity DSP-wise.
I'm wondering how you guys spread out the DSP load in an average studio session; I don't want to be constantly engaging and disengaging plugins to navigate through a studio session. Do you guys use primarily native plugins for mixing and UAD plugins for tracking purposes? Or do you use the legacy plugins to save DSP? I have been getting along fine with just native plugins up until now but would love to work out a workflow that allows me to use UAD plugins in the most efficient and logical way.
Thanks in advance!
Submitted December 23, 2016 at 09:05AM by tperry https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5jwsh5/uad_apollo_questionadvice/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Friday, December 23, 2016