I recently picked up an Aturia Keystep to use as a midi controller in Logic Pro X and I'm having some issues with latency while playing (not using the arpeggiator / sequencer). No matter what instrument I'm on in LPX, The notes are not sounding as soon as the key is struck.
I compared the Keystep's feel to my MPK Mini and MPK249 and I'm definitely not imagining it. So, I'm wondering if anyone has had the same issue and if there's a fix for this. Here's what I've done so far to try and fix the issue:
reset all midi drivers in Logic
Made sure the Keystep and the corresponding track in Logic were set to midi channel 1
Set Logic's buffer to 128 and then 64 with the same issue
Recording delay set to 0 samples
reset / rescanned midi devices in my OS Audio MIDI Setup
In Logic's sync menu, setup key step in "destination 1", checked "listen to MMC input" box.
That's all I've got at this point and the issue is still persisting.
Arturia Keystep has noticeable latency when used as a regular midi controller in Logic Pro X. My Akai MPK Mini and 249 do not have this issue and I haven't done anything different for those units in terms of setup.
Your help would be greatly appreciated!
Submitted December 23, 2016 at 06:22AM by Jodaii https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5jw9ii/any_arturia_keystep_users_having_an_issue_with/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Friday, December 23, 2016