I recently posted a song to the feedback thread and all of the feedback I received weighed heavily on my mixing. Mixing has always been my weakest quality but in this particular song, MOST of the work in the time I spent on it went to mixing. I have learned a lot of the mixing that I do apply thanks to this wonderful sub and the plethora of videos that exist on youtube but I really just don't know what I must be missing. I am heavily EQing every instrument, cut lows and highs in unnecessary places, heightening mids for width, cloning synths while panning one hard left and the other hard right, compressing drums appropriately, the list goes on. Writing music is no golden ratio science or anything and I hope I don't make it sound like that. And I'm sure there's so much more to mixing that I don't yet know of but what do all of you guys consider essential? This is an area I need to improve in.
TL;DR: Thought I was beginning to understand mixing, posted a song and then people responded asking whether or not it had been mixed at all.
Submitted December 14, 2016 at 03:22PM by chaerithecharizard https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5ic7cz/another_mixing_post/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Wednesday, December 14, 2016