Often with this style I think what people get wrong is they go for this really loud and clean mix, but it ends up sounding really sterile and devoid of details.
And thats what this gets right I think. During the drop there is all this stuff going on in the background, albeit mixed quietly and out of the way of the main sounds, but its this sort of frenzy of noise and pitchy detuned stuff that I cannot for the life of me make or even find a good sample of.
I've tried using a high pitched noisy detuned saw with a lot of voices playing the root but it doesn't sound right at all.
Any tips on making this sort of background stuff?
Submitted August 29, 2016 at 06:24PM by itonlyrains https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/507fb9/how_create_this_sort_of_franticurgent_sounding/?utm_source=ifttt